23 June 2007

Lagging Behind Again :)

Well, here's a perfect example of which is the hardest of the 7 1/2 Habits... setting goals and then sticking to them. That was for Week 2, Thing 3. And it's now the end of Week 3 :) I have wonderful intentions, but often they get lost in the rush and the immediacy of all the daily happings in my life. I've come to realize, though, that I am still capable of learning, and at a pace that compliments, or at least isn't directly at odds with, my life. One of the best parts of working here for me, is that I am swimming in an entire river of new thoughts, ideas, technologies, etc. all day. Whether I choose to soak up any of the knowledge that is available, is up to me. Which leads me to one of the Habits that I have no trouble with: accepting responsibility for my own learning process. I learned to see myself as a lifelong "student" a very long time ago, following in my father's footsteps. He made it his mission to never stop learning, and I'm so thankful for his positive attitude :)